Steph Honey |

What a f****** sh*t day today! (Sorry excuse my French)

I'm not having a good day at all today, was going to work from home but the stupid network decided to play up so I had to walk to the bloody station cos Ray took the car this morning - haven't done that in a while. Furthermore I was dressed all in black (wot was I thinking?), it's baking outside!!! .

As if that wasn't bad enough, my mini ipod decided to die on me, stupid thing so I had to entertain myself by putting on my slap cos I forgot the book that Ray bought me!!!

Anyways enough of my moaning, we had a really good weekend despite a really intensive wushu class on Sunday - thought I was going to die. My calves are aching so much!!!!

We organised a very last minute BBQ at ours for Andy on Sat as he's sodding off to China for a few months, aww we're all going to miss him!! :-(

As you will see from the pix, we had a blast, the weather was wicked but it was really last minute. By the time I drove to Tescos there wasn't much BBQ food left, but we had plenty cos everyone bought food. We even had jelly and ice cream - yummy. Don't worry the next one will be abit more organised! Actually I think we're going to Chloe's one soon right?

Anyways I thought I'd make an effort drop in and update my journal cos I know how much you all miss them! hahaha

Oh and Binh, you owe me pix tart!!! :p

My birthday BBQ

Hey peeps,

Just wanted to say thank you all for coming to my birthday BBQ and for those of you who stayed til 2:00am. It was really nice to see you all and thanks for all your pressies! :-)

I think everyone thought it would be abit of a trek to our place but when they got here on Sat, they were actually surprised how fast it was. Poor Sandee took the wrong train and ended up in god knows where but she finally made it.

Hope all of you guys enjoyed yourselves!

I know I haven't updated my journal lately but life has been extremely busy-all work and no play :-( All that is about to change though, it's summer soon, yay!

Oh and I've dyed my hair brown cos I was bored of being a blond! My colleagues say I look classy now, hmmm what are they trying to say? cha!

Ray B bought me a Sat Nav for my bday, just what I wanted, I swear he can read me like a book. Thank you baby, 143! x

Happy Chinese New Year!

Went back to my mum's on Friday as it was Chinese New Year. It was nice to see my family again. Haven't seen them for ages!! Well feels like it anyways.

I then went to meet with the girls, Clo cancelled last min but she had a valid excuse so we allowed her. Michelle's ring was bling man, it's really nice hun!! I can't wait for her wedding now. Took some pix with them, can't believe how light my hair is now, need to do something about that. I'm actually bored of being a blond, hahaha.

It was really nice to catch up with the girls, showed them pix of my house, they said they can't wait to come round cos it looks really nice. hehe Don't worry Ray & I are hoping to arrange something soon or maybe a BBQ.

Didn't go training on Sunday, as Ray the poor thing wasn't feelin' well. Got da day off today, got bare stuff to do.

I'd better get on with it!!!

Happy New Year!

Hey peeps,

I know I've been really bad, I haven't been updating the site nor have I been taking any photos recently either, everytime we go out I'm just too lazy to lug it around. Also I know I haven't really been in touch much either but that's because of my new job and the house.

I was up working til early hours of the morning all weekend a few weeks ago, Ray was soooo sweet, he stayed up with me to keep me company and helped me too. I felt well bad, he's such a baby. I love him loads! :-)

I am now back at BT again permanently! My new job is really good, just wot I wanna do and I get to work from home too! :-) I left RBC cos it was a BORING and DRY man! Didn't like anything about it, especially the people!! So yeah I've just been really busy working at BT again.

Ray & I have been busy decorating our house too, we just had carpet delivered on Tues, it's well nice! hahaha how sad am I getting happy about carpet?!? :D

Anyways just wanted to drop in and say a quick hi, will be meeting some of you next Sat, oh and I'm really happy to say that one of my best friends now engaged, she's also asked me to her bridesmaid next year so I'm really looking forward to that. My first best friend to get married, I've known this girl for 6-9 years now, I was even there when she tried to chirpse her hubby to be at uni! So sweet, congrats luvvy.

Oh and I'll try to remember photos of the house too, I know you lot have been nagging me to take some.

Anyways we get to see the big fat stone on her finger next week so see u girls then. Looking forward to it. :-)

Long time no speak!!


Hey peeps,

I'm back! Yep back from China! Sorry I know I've been quite bad with keeping this up to date. I've been so busy with the house, work, training etc.

I just got back from Beijing last week, I went there with Ray, Andy, James & Kawoo. It was a blast! We did the Great Wall, lots of shopping and clubbing! I will be putting the pix up at some point so be patient!

So what have I been up to since my last entry? Hmmm? Ray & I went to Sandee's 28th Kareoke party, that was lots of fun with plenty of food & wine. I've been driving my car alot more now. I met up with Binh & Lan before I went to China and me & Ray have now moved into our new house. Finally!! Don't worry I know you guys are asking when our house warming will be but at this point in time I really don't know. I've only just started painting one of the rooms and it is a mission and a half man! Hopefully it will be some time soon but in the mean time I will try to post up some pix of the house! :-)

Michelle's gone to Egypt the lucky moo, maybe we'll be able to get together when she gets back. Anyways must get back to the painting!


Yo I'm back from Miami!

Me & my baby!

Da Boyz doin' their thang!
Y'all miss me? Yeah I thought so!!! hahaha

To all of u who tried to call me last 2 wkends, no I haven't changed my number! I was in Miami and my phone was kinda buggered hence u couldn't get thru to me! Didn't get time to notify all of u before I left cos of the incident on da 7th but I'm glad to hear ur all ok! Thank u for all ur texts!

Got back on Monday morning, Miami was a blast! I went wid Ray, Le & Kawoo. As you can see from da pix da weather really nice at some points, everyone managed to get a nice tan! Da states is wicked man, can't wait to go back.

Met Paul (Ray's older bro) and his family for the first time, they were awesome! Paul's so funny and their little baby girl Lauryn is so adorable and very pretty! Yes Binh, I know you want to steal her, check out her pix! I must admit Ray was the best out of us lot in terms of holding her, she didn't cry one bit when he was holding her, he's really good with babies, who would have though eh? hahaha only kidding babes! :o)

We went to disneyworld, did alot of shopping, sunbathing, went to the beach, clubbing and ate loads! Can't wait to go back again!

So far I've spoken to Anita & Binh. Anita's enjoying married life and Binh is moving house and jobs again! Her bday do dis Sat has been cancelled as Binh would much rather stay in doors and redecorate her new flat than to come out and see her friends! ;p She said she'd organise something for next Fri - we'll see!!!

Anyways will see you girls soon (maybe).



As usual I have been busy working my ass off at work hence no time to mail! My boss is on hol for 2 weeks hence more to do! I've been busy job hunting & house hunting, me & Ray found a wicked place on Sat, you know how I said we'll be moving to North London? Well now it's even further out! hahaha Guess I'll only be seeing you peeps once a year at xmas or sumfin! hahaha

Spoke to M and she said she can't wait for our house warming! Hmmm not sure when that will be yet! hahaha Btw think we're all linking up for a meal this Fri? Binh are you sorting this out?

Nothing much has happened really, although time is really flying by! Didn't go training this wkend, Ray's injured his neck & back -poor thing. Spoke to my mum and she kept asking me about Ray and told me to look after him. She even had a go at me for not making him breakfast recently when he stayed over, hahaha

Oh before I forget, a big shout out to my number one fan! Hello Dipen! How are you? I know you'll be reading this, hope you didn't miss Ray and me too much yesterday! hahaha

Anyways have to dash now! Speak soon y'all! :o)

Work is gay!

Hey peeps,

Feeling abit under the weather today, been busy working LONG hours as usual, been training on da wkend in North London, oh me and Ray have been house hunting lately too. Been to see quite a few houses now, only 2 have gone into our potential list, so yeah fingers crossed, hopefully we'll be moving to North London soon! :o)

I've been driving my car, getting more used to being on the road but still a little nervous. Ray's been really great, keeping me company where ever I go. He's such a sweetie.

Nothing much has happened really, spoke to Lan yesterday, everyone's so busy doing their own ting!

Oh btw for those who keep asking when I'm going to Miami, I'm not going to Miami no more (cos of work), doubt I'll be going anywhere this year, have to start saving my pennies. Work sucks!!!

Anyways think the next time we'll all link up would be for Michelle/Binh's birthdays? Will speak to M tonite to get the details for her bday do. Keep you all posted soon!

Lata! x

My new car!

Hey peeps,

yes I know I've been really bad lately, been meaning to call u all and chat to u properly but been sooooo busy at work & stuff!

In answer to all ur emails/texts, yes I have driven my car - well only yesterday! Been putting it off cos I'm scared & nervous - I haven't driven for over 1 & a half years now. Plus the car looks so nice, don't want to make it dirty or anything! Hahaha Ray sat next to me last nite, thank god! He was really sweet & patient, I was saying how I felt really nervous - even more than when I took my test! lol We both went back to my mum's and I told my mum & sis about it, my mum goes to me to listen to Ray and stop being a mong! hehe

Anyways back to ur recent questions/comments, no I ain't gonna be driving round to ur yards anytime soon aaite! Give it a few months! :p

Anyways I'd better get on wid sum work now! Ciao!

Happiest Birthday & day of my life Ever!!!

Me & my baby!

Me & da galz!
Hey peeps!

Wow, yesterday was the happiest day of my life! Ray made me feel like the luckiest woman in the world! You'll never guess wot Ray got me for my 26th birthday pressie this year!!! A Black Peugeot 206 XSi!!! I'm still gobsmacked and estatic about it, it feels so surreal! Seriously! I can't believe that Ray got me a car!! A CAR!!!

He came round to my mum's place yesterday and handed a nice big box to me but I didn't want to open it infront of my mum thinking it was lingerie! hahaha But it contained my car manual/docs and my car keys! :D My mum didn't know what I was screaming about until I told her, she was soooo happy and grateful for what Ray did! Ray if you're reading this I love you soooo much! He's such an amazing person & boyfriend!!! Yeah I know girls, you're all jealous init?!? ;p only kidding. I was sooo happy I had to text some of my galz man! :o)

I still can't believe it! I wanna laugh and cry at the same time - yeah I know I've gone potty! hahaha I'll never forget yesterday!!! It's the best surprise & pressie anyone has ever given me and the thing is, I got to share it with my family! Ray had it all planned out the silly billy! He's such a sweetie! xxx

I had a really good night partying with my friends on Sat too, we all went to Sound for a nice meal and then 10 Rooms for an early bday celebration. It was a blast, we all had a right laugh, have pictures to prove it! Check them out! :D

Trinh's birthday do!

Met up wid Susan for a meal afta work on Fri. On Sat I went to Trinh's bday do, I met up wid da gals in Greenwich, Layxuon & Grace drove us to some Vietnamese place for a nice meal near Deptford before we headed off to a bar in Greenwich. Da food was yummy man, no wonder Binh goes there every wkend! hahaha

It was nice to see all da gals, Trinh looked really nice wid her green satin dress. Didn't spend dat long there though, oh and I couldn't find my camera hence no pix dis time I'm afraid. I think Trinh etc took a few.

Me and Ray went to da gym in North London on Sunday, met up wid Ray, Shaolin, Andy & co. It was fun, was trying to stretch wid Shaolin but I think I'm getting too old! hahaha We then headed to DD training, I was sooo knackered by the end of da nite, 5 hours of training almost killed me! ;p

Lan called me yesterday, she was asking me about my bday and so was everyone on Sat, I was trying to keep quiet in hope dat they'll forget - yeah rite! They aint gonna stop bugging me until I give in, so..... I am in da process of arranging it ok? I have a couple of clubs in mind but if u have any suggestions feel free to shout out! Will prob send an email at sum point dis week but yeah da date's finalised - keep Sat 7th May free! :o)

See u all den! x


Hey peeps,

I've been extremely busy lately, forgive me for not calling/emailing u. I'm not ignoring u/being rude - HONEST! ;p

Anyways just a quickie to say I don't actually know wot I'm doing for my bday yet/if I actually wanna do sumfin dis year, after getting totally sh*tfaced last year I don't particularly want dat in instant replay and I wot u guys are like. I have 3 weeks to decide I guess....

But hey we have Trinh's bday do dis Sat, not sure wot's happening yet as da gal needs to let us know but once I get confirmation from her/Binh I will let u peeps know!

Ciao for now.

Wot's wrong wid me today?

Stephy & Anya!

Had a mad week @ work trying to catch up wid all my workload. On Thurs Lan called me re: her bday drinks wid her work mates, I'd totally forgotten about it. I said yes to going da week before but as I was too mash up afta work I decided to give it a miss, sorry hun, will make it up to you!

Met up wid Clo on Friday nite, we went to a local place like TGIs and had a catch up session, haven't spoken to dis gal in ages - well feels like it anyways.

Went shopping on Sat, didn't get anything for myself - I know there's a first! :p Managed to get a couple of bits for Ray though. Clo called me @ 9pm & asked me to go to da Loop, as I'd jus cum out of da shower I was ready for bed, didn't hav da energy to slap on my make-up and den trek all da way up town!

Just chilled @ home wid my sister, we were testing out her new camera phone!

Come Sunday, I had a few things to do for my mum, then made it back to Ray's- took me 3 and a half hours man, I was well vexed wid all da damn buses. Was really excited though cos I haven't seen him for a week - well it felt like a long time anyways! It's so nice to have him back. He bought me some really nice stuff, including a PSP, I was really surprised and my favourite game! hahaha I love him so much, he treats me way too good! :o)

Didn't get round to calling Michelle, sorry luv, will try to call you some time dis week!

Dunno wot's wrong wid me today, I have a million & one things to do and I'm not wid it. I just called my manager and didn't realise I was speaking to her until I hung up, I thought I'd called someone else. Hahaha whoops!

Wot a lovely day!

I'm looking out of da window @ wrk and it is SUNNY and da sky is blue! hahaha I aint gonna be fooled tho cos I know its very cold & windy out there!

Went & got a new phone for my sister last nite. I actually really like her phone, hahaha. Spoke to Sandee, she's invited me round for dinner next week, told me she's karaoke ready for me and everything, me looking forward to it already. Da last time I saw dis gal was back in Sept last year.

Ray called me too, he sounded well tired but sexy, hahaha Didn't speak to him for dat long but he seems to be having fun out in China, been to the Great Wall and started training already. Can't wait for him to be back dis wkend!

Spoke to Binh last nite too, lucky moo's sodding off to Egypt dis wkend! I need another hol!

I'm back in da U.K now!

Hey peeps,

I'm back from Hong Kong now! Well I actually got back on Sat nite but have been v. busy, still feelin jet lagged. My bed time has been like 8/9pm since I got back! hahaha But I wake up at 6am and get into wrk for 8am!

Hong KOng was jokes, had a lot of fun. It was a completely different experience being da only gal there wid a bunch of 4/5 boyz (Ray, James, Andy, his bro Matt & Don) but we had a lot of jokes! Mainly went clubbing (Lan kwai Fong, Wan Chai, Tsim Sha Tsui), eating and shopping.

Speaking of clubbing though, da boyz esp Ray sure got alot of attention - simply bcos they could dance & the whole H.K Clubbers population could not! So as soon as they saw the boyz, everyone on da dance floor were trying to copy dem! it was jokes man! I got well vexed at one point though, some minging gal tried to dance wid Ray but I wasn't having any of it. Da thing dat vexed me da most was da fact dat Ray had his arms around me already & we were dancing really closely together but oh no dis gal didn't care. She tried to cut in from every angle possible and I was getting ready to box her one! Luckily she realised in time dat she couldn't cut it no matter how hard she tried so she moved!! Stupid biatch proper trying to dance wid my man u know! Cha! hahaha Yes u know best! I'm telling u now H.K gals are not shy!!! They're well nasty & easy man!

Anyways we went to da Peak to see Hong Kong's night view on Tues I think, boy was it amazing! I love places wid great night views, so romantic! hahaha Check out da pix on my site. Not all of dem are on there yet but will be at some point dis month I think!

Hmm wot else did we do? We went to a Wushu Festival thing, dat was ok. My flight on da way back was dry and lonely. Ray & da boyz all went to Beijing whilst I came back on my Js. Really miss my other half now! :o( Da selection of films on da way back was wack, couldnt really sleep cos there was no leg room. Cathay Pacific is so GAY!! My advice would be to fly wid Virgin!

Spoke to Binh, Lan & Susan yesterday. All welcomed me back! hahaha Anyways I doubt I will seeing any of u gals in March, da next time we link up would have to be in April I'm afraid. You know I'm really bad at calling/emailing that's why I'm writing a journal entry for u guys.

Anyways I must dash, have bare work to get on wid! Lata!

Message to da gals! - I'm off to Hong Kong now!!!

Hey girlies,

I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to all of ur texts/emails (I'm not ignoring ya/being rude honest) but dis week has been very hectic and MAD for me as u can imagine!! Have had no time for da loo let alone emails! Soz!

Didn't start packing until 10pm last nite and didn't get to sleep til 2am either! I'm sooooo tired! :-(

Just a quickie to say I'm off now and yes I will have a FAB holiday, ta very much! hahaha Will see u all when I get back!

I mite be able to update my journal & add my hol pix on here but no promises!

Enjoy da snow in London! ;p

Take care and speak soon.
Stephy x

F****** London Transport!!

Seriously pissed off about London Transport! Yesterday it took me 45 mins to get from Moorgate to Towerhill (normally takes 5-10 mins) cos da stupid Circle line train decided to take 25 mins to get into Moorgate and wen we got to Aldgate it decided to take a break and stopped for like 20 mins! I was fuming by da time I got into work!

Wen I got into work and told my colleagues about it they were all like "why didn't u walk Steph?!? u poor thing". I cracked up wen they all took out their A-Zs and goes they'll photocopy me a map so I can walk like they do and I'm like Jee thanks!! For those who know me well know I DONT DO WALKING!!! ;p

Anyways I thought I'd be clever and take the District line from Victoria into work today, nope dat didn't make a difference cos there were fewer trains running today and in order to fill da gap the train decided to stop at Embankment for 15-20 mins making me late again! Arghhh I felt like telling da driver to shut it wen he was apologising on behalf of London Underground for da delay over da tanoy! Just drive on FOOL!!!!

As u can all see, I'm mad @ London Transport, I can sit here and curse dem all day but I aint dat sad! Besides I have a million & one tings to do. I need my f****** holiday to cum quick! Friday is jus not soon enuff! :o(

I doubt I'll speak to any of u before I sod of to H.K, maybe we can all link up wen I get back. Will keep u gals posted! x

Lan's 25th bday pix - Fri 25th Feb @ Ruby Blue & Rouge

Bday gal & her man!

Trinh, Steph, Ling, Lan & Layxuon!
Wot can I say? Lan's bday do was jokes, she insisted she was NOT gonna get drunk dat nite but after about 6 vodka & redbulls and a Sambucca she was seeing birds by da end of da nite. Hahaha

We all went to Ruby Blue for quick drinks, da music there werent too bad. We den all bopped over to Tantra but dat place is sooo wack. Wen I called up da lady I spoke to said it was NO GUESTLIST and if we turn up we could get in but turns out wot da bad reviews said about dem was true. They were being such snobs and claimed it was Guestlist only. Luckily we anticipated dis was gonna happen so submitted a glist for Rouge aswell. Hahaha pricks, it's their loss anyways, no way are we ever going there!! Cha! ;p

We den bopped over to Rouge but wen we got there we'd lost Trinh and co, silly moos ditched us cos they were mash up APPARENTLY. Wot can I say they must have caught the Granny bug of Binh cos she ditched us before even saying Goodbye, hahaha Lan was like aren't we missing someone wen we got to Rouge, yep dat's rite Granny Binh has gone home to do sum knitting and sleep! ;p

Rouge was quite dry but it was a laugh, it wasn't as good as wen we went for my bday last year, not dat I remembered much cos I konked out from alcohol overdose man! Da alcohol def got to Lan wen we got there, she was talking funny and spitting in everyone's face! At one point a glass went flying and knocked her out hahaha sorry luv I know it's not funny, she did get a lil' bump on her head tho poor thing.

Anyways check out Lan's bday pix on my gallery! I certainly had a wicked time! (laughing @ Lan) :o)

Lan texted me da next morning, she actually made it to work, da joker. Glad she got home in one piece and she's ok.

Lil' Miss Clumsy!

I'm totally not wid it today! Managed to spill a cup of tea and bowl of milk all over me & da floor dis morning - DON'T ASK! As if dat wasn't enuff, managed to spill my bowl of soup all over da microwave at work too! I think I've just got too much on my mind rite now.

My ankle is starting to hurt real bad too, I slipped over da other day and my ankle hit da pavement, got a bruise on it and everything. My back is killing today too, feel like I'm gonna snap in half any min now! wa! :o(

Been trying to sort out Lan's bday ting tomorrow, LONG! Really looking forward to da wkend now, need some PROPER sleep!

My head hurts! :o(

No it's not a hangover! I haven't had enuff sleep!

Dis week has flown by really quickly, only two weeks till me & Ray go to Hong Kong, I can't wait! :o)

I woke up at 7am on Sat morning - Don't ask! I was screwing man! I had stayed up late the nite before chatting to my sister aswell. Anyways luckily I dosed off to sleep for a couple more hours and got woken up cos my sister put the TV on.

I then bopped down to Woolwich & Lewisham for some shopping on Sat, tried to get Lan's bday pressie but didn't end up getting anything. Couldn't even find her a nice card - hahaha maybe I'm just being too picky. Will try again after work some time dis week!

Was chatting to my mum on Sat, she makes me laugh, she was proper lecturing me telling me to stick wid Ray when we go to Hong Kong, I need to look after him and that I should treat him nicer - wot's dat supposed to mean?!? hahaha

On Sunday I went to Oriental City wid Ray, woke up early again and Ray drove down there. I was sooooo tired, I was waiting all day for him to finish his demo. It was good though, as usual Ray impressed the crowd, I'm so proud of him! :o) We then drove down to DD, the training session was quite good.

I woke up wid a nasty migraine dis morning, seriously I really wanted to stay home. I took some pain killers as soon as I got into work and I've drunk 6 cups of water already, on my 7th one now! Must admit though it's helping! My head don't hurt as much now - Ray taught me that! Whenever you have a headache you should always drink lots of water!!! :D

Anyways I should get back to work. Will see you gals dis Fri @ Lan's bday ting! Laters! x

:o) I'm really happy today!

After a long frustrating day at work - was analysing some training stats and it was doing my head in! My hubby had a really nice surprise for me! hehe Ray bought me some beautiful yellow roses and lots of Lingerie and a nice box of Lindt chocolates! Mmmmm yummy! And to top dis all up he cooked me a really yummy two course meal. I was well stuffed afterwards. Seriously I felt like da luckiest and happiest woman on earth cos I didn't know he was going to get me anything else. I thought my ticket to Hong Kong was my Valentines pressie! He's soooo sweet and yep he's ALL MINE! hahaha :D

I'm on cloud 9 and I'm all smiles today!!! Da sky is blue, wot more can u ask for hey?!?

Anyways I'd better get back to earth, hehe spoke to my gal Chloe too last nite, totally forgot we were supposed to link up dis Fri but seen as it's Lan's bday do next wk, think we're jus gonna allow it dis wk gals! Anyways must dash, see you all next week!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

Oh and Happy Valentines Day too! :o)

Lots of women got roses & balloons sent to the office today - how depressing! :o( All I got was a lil' package - my power pack for my lap top! hahaha

Feels like it's been a while since I last wrote in my journal! Haven't heard from Anita yet, thinks she's still in da Maldives, lucky moo! ;p

Life's been pretty hectic over da past 2 weeks, just been busy working LONG hours and wushu training. Ray's demo at Grafton Hall went well, I heard everyone were very impressed wid his forms and da teachers kept asking for his name etc. Looks like he's got himself a lil' fan club at dat school! He's so modest about it all though.

Me and Ray have been to da cinema quite abit lately, went to see Meet Da Fockers, Oceans Twelve, Assault on Precinct 13 and Creep! I'd recommend the first three, do not watch Creep is should be called CRAP really cos it was DRY!!!

Met up wid Binh on Friday after work for some Vietnamese and some gossip! On Sat went shopping wid Ray in Oxford Street, got a few bits and on Sunday went training! Wk-ends are far too short!!!

Oh yeah in case Binh da big mouth (;P) haven't told you already yet, I'm going to Hong Kong in 3 weeks wid my hubby and his mates. Me can't wait. I've almost worked for SIX months wid no leave and no sick absences. Is dat a record or wot?!? Well it is for me.

Oh btw I'm currently trying to organise Lan's bday do in two weeks time too, Fri 25th Feb! So gals any ideas on dis one would be great! Will be sending an email out some time soon to get ur ideas etc! Ok ciao for now. Have to get back to work!

Wow Munich looks fab but da food - ewwww!

Went to Munich on Thursday wid my manager, da place was absolutely freezing, if u think it's cold here u aint seen nothing yet! Seriously, we were both wearing double layers but as soon as we got out of da plane we were frozen! The snow was roughly a meter high but ironically all da roads were clear!

To my surprise Munich was an absolutely beautiful place, I've never seen so much snow in my whole entire life. The mountains and trees were all covered in snow, it gave us all da Christmas feeling again! Amazing! I was really gutted I didn't bring my camera! :o(

We're very lucky we arrived at da right time, apparently all da roads were closed earlier in the day as an avalanche broke out. One of our colleagues said when his plane was about to land the plane just went down and den back up again cos da airport was closed. Imagine dat, wouldn't u be screwing if ur plane was about to land @ ur destination but den u end up somewhere else?!?

Da hotel we stayed at was in da middled of nowhere (2 hours drive) from Munich airport, both me and my manager Tracy were absolutley knackered, we even napped for abit. Our presentation to all of the heads of European HR was a success. We managed to get everyone engaged and enthusiastic about our BT GSHR system!

Our meeting lasted until 8pm we then went to eat. I must say though da food was really minging! I was already screwing about da food we got on da plane, all we got was some teeny roll wid a big block of cheese, I swear it was like 2 inches thick plus it was really strong! Anyways for dinner there was either rabbit wid raisins which I didn't fancy at all or tuna so I ordered da tuna steak. Dat came wid bland pasta & wot tasted like semolina! Seriously it was foul! By dis time I was thinking of wot I was going to eat tomorrow wen I get back to London - had a craving for hot & sour soup! Mmmmmm :o)

Anyways dinner finished at 11.30pm by da time I went back to my room and had my shower I was mash up but funnily enuff I couldn't sleep at all! I den woke up at 5am which was 6am over there and den got ready, went for breakfast and prepared for our morning session, da meeting started at 8am and we finished @ 11.30am and got into da taxi! For once I was actually glad to be going back to London! hahaha

Wushu training!

Went training yesterday wid Ray, everyone were preparing for da demo for Sat! I must say Ray never fails to impress people, Michelle and Max are always full of compliments and even Patricia was saying to me last nite that Ray looks really confident and really good to watch! But Ray's such a humble and modest person! hehe He managed to do 16 butterflies around da hall too! Impressive huh?

I did abit of Taiji sword last nite too and managed to injure my knee wen we were jumping around, I think dat's a sign of me getting old cos I'm falling apart! I'm aching all over today! hahaha

Wen I got back Binh called me, sorry luv I just remembered you called me on Sat but I forgot to call you back. Whoops hahaha She's in abit of a dilemma rite now poor sod, will call you tonite and chat to you properly, currently at work and I'm doing some quiz exercises (pre-requisites) for a training course I have to go to in Birmingham at some point dis/next month! I'm really bored! :o(

Anyways enuff of my moaning, better get on wid it!

Weekends are far too short!

Wot a great start to Monday eh? I struggled into work today wid a thumping headache i've had for 2 days now to find dat the lift is broken, so I had to walk up 4 LONG flights of stairs! I'm soooo tired! Snif!

For once I didn't go shopping dis wkend! hahaha Instead me and Ray went to meet da wushu crew for dim sum in Swiss Cottage, it was fun as everyone were cracking jokes and talking about their China trip dis summer. Unfortunately I won't be able to join dem dis year, last year wen we went it was fun and quite an experience! I had both my hands bitten by misquitos in Tianjin and they were so swollen, I couldn't even hold a pair of chopsticks, they were like 3 times bigger than wot they normally were - seriously not a pleasant site! Makes me cringe wen I think back! Ewwww

On Sunday me and Ray went to visit my mum and den we bopped down to DD for training. I was well impressed wid Ray, he did 8 butterflies continuously widout stopping, and they were all decent ones too! Never seen him do dat before. Must be da influence of Ray & Shaolin as they both came to DD last nite too! hehehe After da 3 hour session, Andy recorded Ray do another 12 butterflies continuously in a circle on his phone! hahaha It was DIRRTY!

Dis wk's gonna be a quick and hectic one for me, got training tonite and maybe Wed wid Ray, on Thursday morning flying off to Germany for work, coming back on Friday evening, Sat got Anita's wedding in Slough and on Sun got DD training again! Oh well I'm sure it will go quickly. Hopefully I'll be able to see my galz on the 4th Feb! :o)

I'm falling asleep...@work!

Didn't do much da wkend jus gone, jus did wot I'm good at - Shopping and bargain hunting! hahaha Brought a few bits wid my sister and then went back to my mum's. Ray came to pick me up and den we went to see Team America! Hahaha it was quite funny!

Sunday I went training wid Ray, as usual it was fun and definitely a good workout!

Man work has been very hectic dis week, can't believe it's Wed already! Currently working on our presentation materials for our presentation in Germany next week. Thought I wasn't gonna be able to go to Anita's wedding but will be flying back on Friday so it's aaite! Kinda dreading flying off to Germany though, heard its very cold and snowing over there, so need to bring some ski boots/clothing or sumfin man!

Went training wid Ray on Monday too, watched him do his drunken sword form, looking better every time he does it! It's ashame I can't see him perform on da day but I know my man can do it! hehe

ok break time over, I'd better get back to work. Lata!

Work, work and more work!

Haven't been up to much dis week, just been working hard and training hard (wushu). I feel soooo mash up!

Was told at my meeting today that me and my manager will be going to Munich in two weeks to present and promote our HR for HR system to all da European HR Managers which means unfortunately I wont be able to go to Anita's wedding after all as I fly back on the same Sat! :o( Sorry babes! I will have to make it up to you when you & Taj fly back from da Maldives!

Heard its snowing over there too, ah man! It's bad enuff dis trip doesn't include sun or shopping but to add snow too? Talk about add salt to da wound! sniff!

Oh well nevermind, I get to unwind tomorrow, not sure wot's gwanin' yet but hopefully I will see my galz!

New Years ting @ Digress!

Susan, Steph, Lan, Clo & Miche!

Susan, Mylinh & Steph

1st time da galz met up in 2005 and Trinh & Binh didn't turn up! TYPICAL!! ;p only kidding, they're both ill, poor sods! Old granny (binh) is on her death bed apparently! Well if ur reading dis hope you're feelin' beta!

Met up wid Clo, Lan & Susan for some Vietnamese food beforehand, it was nice to catch up wid everyone especially wid Susan, havent seen dis gal for months - probably 5-6 months! hahaha

Went to Digress and it was actually a laugh, we all got some cocktails in and was boogeying abit, had a nice seating area too. Ended up staying lata then planned but it was all good, took some pix too, check dem out on my recent album! It was nice to see you all gals! :o) Lan said our new years resolution should be to meet up at least once a month, hahaha we'll try Lan, we'll try! Getting everyone together is such a mission! Everyone's just been doing their own ting, makes us sound well old! hahaha

Weddings were da topic of da nite, hahaha dunno how we got on dat subject AGAIN, everyone were guessing who would be da 1st to get married, my money's on Binh!!!!

Anyways enuf of my crap, hopefully I'll see u galz soon!

My wk-end & 1st Wushu lesson of 2005!

Didn't do much dis wkend, I went shopping on Sat and bought a few bits in da sale, and den me and Ray went to see WHITE NOISE! It wasn't all dat, da advert made it look scarier but it still scared me, jus cos I get scared easily! hahaha

Ray's mum came back from her holiday in da States and got me lots of goodies from Victoria Secret, she's well sweet! They're really nice too! :D

Went to my 1st wushu lesson of 2005! Boy am I aching now? It was fun and nice to see the wushu crew!

Everyone were practising for da Chinese New Year demo which I won't be able to go to cos I have Anita's wedding on da same day! Sniff! :o( Oh well I'm gonna get Ray to film it so I get to watch it at least.

Xmas Day!

Today me and Ray gave eachother our xmas pressies. Wow Ray got me a mini-ipod in blue, my favourite colour! Hahaha I love it, it's just wot I wanted as well, can't wait to use it, I hate having to lug my big fat CD player around! hahaha

We then went round to Paula's (Ray's sister's place), we ate loads, chilled wid everyone and watched a couple of DVDs, it was nice and relaxing! I havent ate that much in ages though! Very yummy food! :o)

Boxing Day!


Today me and Ray woke up early, tidied the house and started to prepare for his sisters, nieces and nephews to come round for dinner. We cooked loads of Chinese food and it was fun! hahaha Haven't cooked for that many people before, we just chilled, and played computer games! His sister's were well funny, told me alot of childhood stories about Ray! Aww he was so cute, and still is! :D

As you can see on the pix I was well TIRED but it was definitely worth it!!

Bank hol Monday - Sales Shopping!

Met up wid my sister today, we went shopping up Oxford Street, she went to Office and got some new trainers and a few other bits, I didn't get anything! It was sooooo crowded, I gave up after an hours worth of shopping. Queues were long, it was worst then before Christmas! We took the back streets but it didn't help much cos as soon as we were back on Oxford Street people were trying to knock us out from left, right and centre! Too stressful boy! Complete waste of time!

Binh da tart called me too, hehehe just chatted about xmas and stuff, she's going to Bluewater tomorrow, such a shopaholic, even when she's jobless you know! hahaha

Went back to my mum's and chatted for a bit and then my hubby came to pick me up! :o)

Bank hol Tues - Clubbing!

Steph & da galz

James & Ray
Ray & I went to da cinema today to see National Tresure, I was pleasantly surprised. It's actually a good film, it was quite funny too! hahaha

It's been a while since I've been clubbing, we got to Click and there was a queue already. Saw Trinh, Le etc. My gal Chloe's in Covent Garden, downing her drinks before she makes it to Click. We got in there and for some strange reason I managed to get in for free. Hahaha

Chloe got there around 11.15pm and da queue was long, my gal was gonna go home but then I told her to speak to da bouncer, which she did. I dunno how she managed it but da bouncer actually let her straight, all da peeps were cutting her enuff dirty looks! hahaha Joker!

We danced for quite a bit, I only had half a glass of Vodka & Cranberry and I was buzzing from it already hahaha. It was nice to see everyone. Trinh was well merry! hahaha Da place was kinda dry though, reminded me of Thai Sq, saw quite a few familiar faces but too bad Lan etc weren't there, silly cows! Oh well guess I'll just have to see da rest of you moos in 2005! ;p

Wishing you all a very happy, prosperous & healthy new year peeps! Speak/see you all soon! :o)

I hate Mondays!

It's bloody freezing outside man, I really hate Mondays. As usual had bare stuff to do, currently analysing our HR PMO questionnaire stats, doing my head in man!

Just spoke to Lan, once again dis gal cancels on us, she aint going to Click no more. I swear getting all da gals together is a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE boy, I highly doubt we'll be meeting before New Years so I guess I'll be seeing you tarts in 2005! ;p

If I don't speak to you lot before then, have a great xmas and a happy new year! :o)

Just chilling!

Just chilled wid Ray dis wkend, we went round to my mum's for abit on Sat, it's so cute seeing Ray speak to my mum, seriously man not only does he know wicked Mandarin but his Cantonese aint bad either! My mum was impressed as usual, I swear she likes him more than me, offered him a drink and didn't even ask me if I wanted any. Kept chatting to him and totally ignored me too! Cha!;p

There was no wushu training on Sunday so we just went shopping and then Ray cooked in da evening, yummy! Dis is such a rare occassion, not cos he's a bad cook, he's actually a much better cook than I am! He's just lazy! hahaha

Xmas Shopping!

Wot a day peeps! I stayed over at Binh's last nite - didn't get much sleep cos the old tart kept yapping on about crap as usual! Dis gal can seriously talk for England! ;p

Woke up and bopped down to Woolwich, then Lewisham and then Oxford Street to do my xmas shopping. Was supposed to meet Lan & Chloe for quick drinks but by the time I'd finished at Oxford Street I was ready for bed and it was only early! hahaha

If anyone of you are even contemplating on going to Oxford Street on da wkend I would advise you to STEER CLEAR or you will die either by being squished by da people or the stress caused by thick people who can't walk properly. Luckily I used all the back streets so working in Oxford St for 2 years finally paid off.

Anyways had to cancel wid Lan & Chloe, hopefully we will all be able to meet up sometime nearer to xmas or sumfin!

Yay Ray's back!

Didn't get much sleep last nite cos I was too excited about my hubby coming back. Had a few things to do for my mum in da morning then made my way to Heathrow airport to meet him. His bro in law was also there wid his nephew.

When we got home we both made our way to DD for wushu training, Ray's good man, he's had a whole week's worth of hard training in China plus he's jus been on a 10 hour flight and he's still going training (3 hr session) - dat's wot u call dedication & willpower peeps! hahaha I had a good session today despite missing the class for two weeks. Ray also bought me a new sword from China which is soooo much lighter. I actually managed the taiji class without hurting my right arm today which was great so thank you babes for getting me that sword - much appreciated! ;o)

I was really eager to see Ray's new forms he'd learnt in China, everyone were really impressed when Ray demonstrated his Drunken Sword form, I'm well proud of him, he's such a bad man wid sick skillz! Believe! :D

Had a really good nite sleep now dat Ray's back, I feel much safer! hehe

Party round Binh's!

Went round to Binh's after work on Friday! I had promised her to go check it out six months ago but had not had the chance. She came to escort me from her train station, her area looks well dodgy boy and I thought da Ferrier was bad! Cha! Anyways it was fun, she cooked, cleaned and rolled out the red carpet for me of course! ;p hahaha Yeah you know so gal!

She's done well for herself though, gal if you're reading this I'm proud of ya! Your place is looking Fine!! You wouldn't think this gal was jobless boy, unless you're actually working part time somewhere dodgy! ;p

Trinh came round abit later, haven't seen this gal for time, we had a catch up session and then watched a movie and that was it really! Oh Trinh asked me to do a demo for her - Taiji dat is, didn't have my sword so had to make do with Binh's remote control which expanded abit, it was either dat or using her toilet brush. Started my form and my gal Binh cracks up you know, cha! It was jokes though! Wot can I say they were privileged to see my Taiji man! ;p

It was a great night though so thank you Binh for inviting us round! Don't say I'm rude and never grateful! :D

Dim-sum wid da galz!

Met up wid Binh, Miche & Clo today for dim-sum in China Town today. Haven't seen my galz for time boy but nothing's changed, as usual everyone was late! ;p Trinh was supposed to come but she's got da flu. I think I'm coming down wid a cold again, sound well bunged up!

It was nice to see da galz, everyone's just been working hard and settled down now. We were just chatting about xmas and New Years, everyone's spending xmas wid their families, but doesn't seem like anyone's got any plans for New Years. Hmmm?

Miche, Binh and me then went to Hagen Daaz for some cuppucino and ice-cream, just chatting about adult stuff - mortgages & weddings. Jesus christ dat is a sign we're all getting old man! hahaha

Spoke to Ray in the evening too, which was really nice, he's having a good time in China clubbing away! I think chatting to him definitely helped me sleep cos I actually managed to fall asleep quite early! :o)

Ray's off to China!

Woke up early today - 8am is early for me on a Sat! Helped Ray packed his stuff to China and then went to see him off @ Heathrow airport. Lucky bum, wish I could go, but oh no some people just gotta work! I miss him already! :o(

Got back with a thumping headache boy, tried to sleep early but couldn't sleep. Woke up a few times during the middle of da nite, at one point I thought I saw a shadow in da room. almost had a heart attack and den realised it was da chair! hahaha


Hey peeps,

how are we? I know I haven't been in touch with most of you but I have been soooooo busy! Since I got back from LA wid Ray I have been busy working mad at BT Global Services. This job is so much better than JLL, for starters it's in HR! It involves alot more responsibilities, challenges and satisfaction man! Da peeps are really nice too! I'm finding myself work from 8.30am to like 6-7pm daily! But hey it's all gud! :o)

This is da place if u wanna know wot's new wid me, I'm too lazy & busy to write to all of u individually! hahaha

I've posted most of our pix up, ain't I nice?!? Let me know how u peeps are doing!

Take care!
Stephy x

Copyright © Stephanie Lau,, all rights reserved.