Steph Honey |

Me, Myself & I


Stephy again!
Name: Stephanie Lau
Nicknames: Stephy, Sooty, Sarcy, Rudegal
Hobbies: SHOPPING, travelling, wushu, cussing my friends! Yes dat's right dat's wot friends are for! :o)
Starsign: Taurus
Occupation: HR
Favourite colour: Baby Blue
Favourite food: Hot 'n' Sour Soup! Mmmm
Dislikes: Cheating/Violent/Stingy/Dishonest/Two faced & Stupid People!
Most memorable moment in life: Graduation at Brunel Uni!
Ambition in life: to be Rich & Happy!
If you could use ONE word to describe yourself what would it be? Genuine!

What are people's first impression of me? hahaha very cute & sexy looking of course! ;p only kidding, I think people tend to think I look like a rudegal & unapproachable but I'm so not! :D I'm jus always in a daze, so if you ever see me and I haven't said anything to u yet u should holla at me or else ur jus gonna accuse me of blanking you! ;p However, if I don't like u den don't bother trying to say anything to me cos I ain't gonna bother being fake to u! I don't see any point in wasting my breath or time on two faced/fake people!!!

What do my friends think of me now? I've been told I've changed alot over the past few years - a complete makeover, appearance aswell as personality wise. Blah de blah I personally don't think I've changed dat much, gals like to exaggerate don't they! Cha! ;p

You wanna know wot my friends think of me? Check out their comments on my comments section!

The Ray

This is my boo!

Steph & Ray
Name: Ray Bramwell
Nicknames: Ray B or The Ray
Hobbies: Wushu, clubbing, cussing people
Where & when we met: In the W.End, went to see Bad Boys together then clubbing at Limelight around 10 years ago.

First impressions: Very cute & buff! He definitely stood out from his crew! I used to call this guy Mr. Vain cos he was so full of himself, he still is! Hahaha

What do I think of Ray now? My man is the finest man out there... Well he was out there, but now he's right here wid me!

Get yo own biatch!

Hahaha Ray's a really fit, handsome, charming, funny and sweet guy! Of course I would think that, he's my man! :o) Him and his mates can diss you till you cry but deep down he's a real gentleman! My mum thinks so too! :D

He's always been there for me over the past 11 years, helping me with my coursework, move to uni, etc. Although he's such a busy guy I don't think there's ever been a time where he's not been there for me to help me out & stuff! He's like that with all his friends, if you're a good friend of his, he'll go out of his way to make you happy!

Ray's always had a special place in my heart and he always will. He's also taught me alot over the years, one of the very few genuine peeps out there, yep that's right "HE KEEPS IT REAL!". That's why I love him so much!!!! x


This is Anya!

Anya again!
Name: Anya Lau
Nicknames: MiMi, Mini-Mi
Hobbies: Dancing, playing the guitar, designing her own clothes, hanging out wid her friends!

Dis is my sista... She's quite young, so don't you mans go pervin on her!

Me and Anya are 11 years apart although we don't look it but we're really close! I still remember the days when she used to follow me around, practically everywhere! hahaha She was so cute! She's grown up so quickly over the years, but in my mind she's still a baby!

What do I think of Anya now? I think really highly of her of course! She has become such a sweet, kind hearted, genuine, elegant and classy gal, unlike me! To me she's PERFECTION! hahaha She's only young but have got herself a lil' fan club, everytime I see her she always has a new boy on her case!

She's abit of a skater gal which is totally opposite to me but very creative & intelligent! She's really good at art and at designing her own clothes and accessories, she has alot of potential so keep it up gal! I adore her loads, my babysis! x


Steph & Clo

Steph & Clo

Name: Chloe Su
Nicknames: Megatart, party animal, alchy!
Hobbies: EAT! Club, drink, smoke & shop!
Starsign: Leo (Dis gal is stubborn & fierce!) ;p
Occupation: merchandiser
Favourite colour: green
Favourite food: thai
Dislikes: stingy/dishonest/selfish people
Most memorable moment in life: scuba diving in the great barrier reef
Ambition in life: to be content
If you could use ONE word to describe yourself what would it be? blatent
If you could use ONE word to describe me what would it be? ???

Where & when we met: At Mcdonalds around 10 years ago.

First impressions: What a little tart & rudegal! Didn't like her much either! ;p

What do I think of Clo now? Well I'd say Clo's a very blatent rudegal who's fun to hang out wid, this gal never fails to crack me up! Not everyone can handle her bluntness but I actually admire it, at least she keeps it real! You wouldn't want to get in her bad books though, her dirty looks can kill! hahaha

Boy can my gal party and eat for England! She can eat a horse, a cow, a dozen of chickens and ducks on the same day and she still won't put on an ounze! B*TCH! ;p

Clo's one of my closest friends now, we've been through alot together, makes us sound well old but it's amazing seeing how we've both grown and changed over the last decade! We've had our ups and downs and we're pretty much like family now, she's like a sister to me, yes she always nags and gives me lectures when necessary. She's always been there for me, thanks hun for putting up with me: my lateness, my rudeness, my moaning. Keep it yeah! hehe. Luv ya! x


This is my gal Lan!

Helen, Steph & Lan

Name: Lan Nguyen
Nickname: Lanny
Hobbies: Travelling, shopping, clubbing, & doing make-overs.
Starsign: I'm a fish
Occupation: Make up artist
Favourite colour: Aqua Green
Favourite food: Fish and Chips
Dislikes: Two faced People
Most memorable moment in life: Hmmmmm too many woman but i guess the funniest was being in the paper with P. Diddy
Ambition in life: make my mark in the world in some way...
If you could use ONE word to describe yourself what would it be? Creative
If you could use ONE word to describe me what would it be? Tart! (just kidding) Beautiful!

Where & when we met: We first met at Birmingham NEC doing a week's promotional work for a Japanese Soft drink about 3/4 years ago!

First impressions: Wot a rudegal, sh*t she might start on me! Was sh*tting my panties cos I had to share a room with this gal for a week in a hotel!

What do I think of Lan now? Hahaha funnily enough we got on like a house on fire, we're so alike in many ways and we have similar tastes in clothes, shoes etc but totally opposite taste in men! We spent the whole week chatting about our lives and since then she's become one of my best friends!

Lan's a really funny gal or shall I say man! hahaha Watch out for her burps & farts, she's not shy so she ain't gonna hold back for no-one! She's really fun to hang out wid and attracts so much attention! She used to be such a wild child but times have changed and now she's settled down in her nest with her man Dave! Hardly get to see this gal these days but she still calls me quite often so that's aaite! She's one of my closest friends now and have asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, I look forward to that day babes! x


Binh & Steph

Steph & Binh!

Name: Binh Ha
Nickname: Old Tart or Granny No.1
Hobbies: Eat, sleep, shopping
Where & where we met: Met through Trinh in China Town, sometime in 1997
First impressions: Wot a bimbo, wid her long hair and short skirt! Cha! Wot? She's going to Brunel too? ah man! ;p

What do I think Binh now? Hahaha only kidding luv, you know I luv you really! Binh is a really hard working, intelligent & trustworthy gal. If you were slacking at uni my gal would know how to motivate you and make you feel bad! She's a really funny gal, always been there for me to listen to my problems! My gal is is pretty much grannified these days. And when she does agree to meet us she has the most lame excuses ever...erm the weather's too cold/hot, my shoes are killing me, its abit late innit? Have I missed any out Binh?

This gal can talk for England too boy, once you get her on the phone, you'd wish you hadn't cos no matter how much you wanna kick her off she will still find sh*t to talk about, oh well I guess she doesn't get a name like that for nothing! ;p

Apart from that, she's one of my best friend who's always fun to diss and hang out with! x


Binh, Steph & M

Miche & Steph

Name: Michelle Ng Kwet shing (Did I get it rite Miche?)
Nickname: M or Miche
Hobbies: Shopping, travelling & badminton?
Occupation: Category Promotions Manager
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite food: Duck with pancakes/hoisin sauce/cucumber/spring onion
Dislikes: ???
Most memorable moment in life: Graduation (and 16th Birthday, didn't know you gals back then, sorry).
Ambition in life: To see as much of the world as poss, and to do the whole marriage and kids thing.
If you could use ONE word to describe yourself what would it be? ???
If you could use ONE word to describe me what would it be? A sassy, kind, genuine, generous, cool chick (can't think of one word, it's too hard)

Where & when we met: At Brunel University back in 1997
First impression: Aww this girl is soooo sweet, I don't like her hair though - very curly & weird! hahaha

What do I think of Michelle now? Although I hardly get to speak or see this gal, she still remains one of my closest friends. She's a really sweet, funny and most naive person I know! Over the years she's been there to help with my uni coursework, listen to my problems and give me advice. I still remember the day we had to hand in our dissertation projects, we both didn't sleep all night, I've never chatted to anyone from 12 midnight to 12 noon before! No not all the way through obviously but at regular intervals! hahaha

We've managed to link up as often as we can since we graduated (like twice a year) hahaha but hey there's always the phone. This gal is forever busy, she always have visitors around her house or she's always wid her man David. She's constantly travelling around the world too, she just got back from Singapore & Malaysia rite? Lucky Moo! No time for her friends no more! ;p Only kidding Miche, I know you do try, not very hard but you do try. Keep it up gal! x


Binh & Trinh

Trinh, Steph & Clo

Name: Trinh Fay
Nickname: Trinny
Where & when we met: Worked at McDonalds together like 10 years ago
Hobbies: Eating, drinking and eating some more
First impression: She looks kinda familiar! I remember screwing at her cos I thought she was some other biatch! Hahaha Sorry Trinh! ;p

What do I think of Trinh now? Trinh is such a joker, I've known her for almost a decade too. She hasn't changed much over the years, still loves her food! I remember the McDonalds days, she used to say to everyone, "are you not having that nugget? flip it over! Are you not having that piece of tomatoe? Flip it over!". Even if its minging she will still eat it, my gal don't like to see food go to waste! Hahaha

She's also well known for her lateness too man, I'm telling you I thought I was bad but I don't know anyone who can beat her track record! We try giving her the wrong time all the time (an hour earlier) than our real meeting time but my gal still manages to be late boy!

She's a really funny, bubbly and sweet gal! Very fun to hang out with and have definitely been a great friend to me over the years! x


Steph & Sandz 2004!

Sandz & Steph 2005!
Name: Sandee Laurel
Nickname: Sandz, Sexy Mama, Leng Loy
Hobbies: Shopping & eating!
Where & when we met: At JLL back in 2003?
My First Impressions: Ironically when we first met I didn't really say much to dis gal. I actually thought she was a snob, think she thought the same about me too! hahaha

What do I think of Sandz now? One day we both bumped into each other at the coffee machine, she started chatting to me and it broke the ice. We became really close a few months before she left JLL,I was really sad when she left. She was my "snout buddy" and my agony aunt! This gal was my supplier of campinos too, mmmm yummy! I miss her sweets! hahaha only kidding.

It's really ironic when we started chatting cos she told me she used to hang out around China Town, Trocodero & go to hippoo on Mondays and I was thinking SO DID I! hahaha. She is one, hot sexy mama, everyone at JLL used to fancy her! It was funny to watch them try chirpse her man. Fools!

Although Sandz and I don't see eachother often, she is now part of my posse, we still keep in touch via email and she's such a great gal! Very funny and sweet! I miss working with her loads :-(



Name: Trang Ngo
Nickname: Trang
Hobbies: Shopping & STUDYING!!!
Where & when we met: Oh crap, I don't remember where we met but it like 3 years ago???

First Impressions: Dis gal got drunk on half a bottle of barcadi breezer, I thought I was a light weight man! hahaha She laughs at everything too which is quite sweet! Awwww.

What I think of Trang now? I swear dis gal has disappeared from da face of da earth! Book worms must have kidnapped her and took her far far away! She's forever studying and never comes out! Even if she does, she's like Cinderella man, actually worst than Cinderella, she leaves at 11pm! ;p

Trang is a really sweet and funny gal, she's really generous, intelligent and career minded too. She can impress you on her philosophies and metaphors talk. Makes you feel abit dumb sometimes but hey whatever init? I don't even listen to her half da time!

You don't wanna get in her bad books, her dirty look will give you nightmares! hahaha Having said that she is a great gal, if you're ever feelin' down she knows how to cheer you up! Although I hardly get to see dis gal, it is alot of fun when she decides to show up! So Trang when are we gonna see you next? Xmas? ;p


Shaolin - aww so sweet!

Stephy & Shaolin
Name: Shaolin Paul
Nicknames: Shao lin Ze
Hobbies: Wushu, Shopping, chatting
Starsign: Sagitarian
Occupation: Accountant :(
Favourite colour: Green
Favourite food: Ice cream
Dislikes: Cant think of anything at the moment
Most memorable moment in life: Meeting Ray L
Ambition in life: To be wicked at Wushu :)
If you could use ONE word to describe yourself what would it be? Determined
If you could use ONE word to describe me what would it be? Genuine

Where & when we met: At Oriental City through Ray B

First impressions: Very sweet & young. Wicked @ wushu!

What do I think of Shaolin now? Shaolin is one of the most genuine and sweet person I know. Abit too nice sometimes too. She's still really young but acts really mature. Her wushu skills is wicked too, I envy her for being able to do splits and an aerial just like that man! :-) Her and her boyfriend also called Ray are really sweet together, their flat is really nice too. It's been great fun knowing and hanging with her and her other half. My Ray and I hang with these lot as we live really close now, usually go to the gym on Sat and then DD on Sundays. She actually keeps me motivated most of the time too! hahaha cos I do get lazy sometimes. She's studying really hard now, good luck with everything Shaolin, I'm sure you will do well!!! Don't forget about us when you're rich! :p


Stephy & Nadine

Nadine & Stephy in Miami
Name: Nadine Tran
Nickname: Le
Hobbies: Shopping & clubbing
Where & when we met: In China Town (same time I met Binh) over a decade ago!

First Impressions: Wow hot mama (I aint no lez aaite!)

What I think of Nadine now? I used to hear stories about this girl getting in fights and thought she was abit of a rude gal but she’s so not. She’s such a sweet and genuine person with lots of male friends (everyone fancies her). Hahaha.

We went to Miami last year together with Ray and Kawoo and got to know each other better. This girl has style man, she always look good (without a hair out of place) and her make up is always fresh and different.

She’s such a party animal too, if you wanna know where the next party’s at, she’s definitely the girl to speak to.

Oh and for those who don’t know about her weakness? I don’t know who’s worst, her or Trinh? Yep I’m talking about their lateness, hahaha only kidding babes, I think Trinh’s probably worst! keke.


Stephy, Niraj & Alice - LA 2004

Niraj, Alice & Ray - LA 2004
Name:Alice Yang Trivedi
Nicknames: Ali
Hobbies: Golf, cinema, reading, relaxing, badmington, travelling
Starsign: Leo
Occupation: recruitment consultant
Favourite colour: depends on the mood really...right now it's brown!
Favourite food: ice cream
Dislikes: smelly places
Most memorable moment in life: too many to list!
Ambition in life: earn lots of money so we can travel around the world.
If you could use ONE word to describe yourself what would it be? Ditzy
If you could use ONE word to describe me what would it be? Fun

Where & when we met: At her wedding back in 2003!

First Impressions: Very sweet & innocent!

What I think of Alice now? I met Alice through Ray at her wedding. Her and Niraj are such a sweet couple. When I first met Alice, I thought she was really quiet and sweet but I've learnt differently! Hahaha I mean her being quiet. She’s such a funny and bubbly girl and never fails to crack us up. The funny thing is, she doesn’t even realise it.

Although we don’t get to see Alice & Niraj (they’re currently living in the States), Alice is one of my buddies! We met them in LA when we went there 2 years ago, it was a blast. Alice & Niraj are always travelling and I always look forward to seeing their nice pix.

I think Alice is coming back to the U.K in Oct, can’t wait to see you guys, we definitely have to meet up for dim sum cos I’m sure you guys have been missing it loads!! :-)


Name: Chris Scott
Nicknames: Scottie
Hobbies: Hockey, playing my guitars, learning foreign languages.
Starsign: Libra
Occupation: EU civil servant
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite food: Tapas
Dislikes: Working.
Most memorable moment in life: Meeting Ryan Giggs.
Ambition in life: Die peacefully in my sleep.
If you could use ONE word to describe yourself what would it be? Unobtrusive
If you could use ONE word to describe me what would it be? Madforit!

Where & when we met: Student event in Nancy (France) back in 1999!

First Impressions: I remember arriving late at the event and everyone were speaking French, I’m not sure what was more embarrassing, me arriving late or introducing myself in French?!? Chris came over and sat next to me and when he spoke I was relieved cos he spoke English – yes he’s Irish not French!! Hahaha He asked me to go clubbing with him and the Spanish lot that evening and from then on we’ve become good friends!!! :-)

What I think of Chris now? Well Chris, where shall I start? He’s a genuine gentleman, funny, charming, handsome and very popular with the ladies! Haha Everytime I chat to him he’s always with a new girl, only kidding. He’s definitely one in a million!

I’m not sure if I’ve thanked you enough but I truly am grateful for everything you’ve done for me and yes he was my personal translator during the year I was living in France. I couldn’t have done it without you. He also used to walk me home everytime we went clubbing, now for those of you who don’t know buses stop running at 7-pm at night. Chris was lucky enough to live somewhere where you could catch a night bus but he’d always walk me home and tuck me in bed. Hahaha only kidding.

Although I haven’t seen Chris for years (I think the last time we saw eachother was 2/3 years ago), he’s still a really good friend of mine. He’s like a big brother to me and yes he doesn’t write that often but he’s getting better at it!! Oi, if you are to get married anytime soon I’d better be invited!!!! :-)
Copyright © Stephanie Lau,, all rights reserved.